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Show Notes

Join Open Door Policy as we revisit the inspiring stories of guests who have responded to the call to share their gifts in service of their parish communities. Our spiritual homes at our parishes are supposed to be founded upon prayer and a culture of encounter with Jesus. Listen as your peers share how God is unleashing the Gospel through them by leading and serving in their parish communities.

(00:18) This mini-sode’s theme is introduced: unleashing the Gospel by leading and serving our parish communities. Joshua Ross shares about his role as worship leader and music director at St. Anastasia in Troy, and the power of worship. Our next guest, Curtis Simpson Jr., who serves as the Director of Evangelical Charity at Corpus Christi Parish, was drawn into serving his parish because of his love for the people in need.

(05:17) Beth Allison, who currently serves as the Engagement Coordinator at St. Aloysius Parish, shares her story of moving from interior design to youth ministry. Her heart was slowly changed by encounters and encouragement from mentors in her life. She shares about the peace and joy she felt in transitioning into what the role God was calling her to. Josh Ross shares further insights into how he followed God’s call through the many years between starting piano at 3 years old, and now as an adult leading his parish in worship.

(13:19) What can parish ministry look like? Our guest Beth shares about her work in administration, doing social media, volunteer coordination, and coordinating neighborhood outreach to people facing homelessness. Her gifts are put to use in a variety of ways.

(17:58) Elizabeth Spencer, who serves as the Parish Catechetical Leader at St. Anastasia in Troy, gives us a glimpse into her journey to serving her parish, from studying at Sacred Heart Major Seminary to a suggestion from her mother-in-law. Her time is spent focused on making her parish a family.

Thanks for listening to Open Door Policy! Find more episodes at https://www.unleashthegospel.org/podcasts/.