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Show Notes

(01:50) With Palm Sunday approaching, Rakhhi and Nicole discuss various aspects of celebrating Palm Sunday Mass as a family. 

(07:55) They discuss Holy week and the desire to make it tangible and real for their children, highlighting the sacramental nature of life in the Church, and the reality that we can encounter God through our senses. They discuss how our families, as domestic Churches, can create traditions and rituals to help enter into the celebration of Holy Week.

(10:36) They begin to offer suggestions on how to enter into Holy Week by talking first about the Palm Sunday liturgy, and then about making time to go to confession and adoration. They highlight that in Detroit, there are I AM HERE holy hours hosted throughout the season of Lent and the Solanus Casey Center offers confession all day Monday – Saturday.  

(13:04) Nicole shares her family’s tradition of “Spy Wednesday” during Holy Week, as a way to remember Judas’ decision to betray Jesus. 

(14:39) They share their love for Holy Thursday, remembering the institution of the Eucharist, and the washing of the feet. They share different ways they have entered into the celebration at home and at  Mass and what they’ve heard other families do.

(17:29) Moving into Good Friday, they share which experiences might be more advanced and require kids to be a bit older, but offer encouragement to families with little ones. They encourage families to do their best to emphasize the significance of what we celebrate. They describe how incorporating tactile experiences for our kids can be helpful. 

(20:23) Nicole shares how her family enters into Holy Saturday through quiet and preparation. 

(22:17) They discuss the Easter Vigil. Rakhi shares her experience of entering the Church at the Vigil, and Nicole shares her experience of her husband entering the Church at the Vigil. They highlight the sensory experience of the liturgy and how to plan to attend it with little ones, given how late it can run.

(25:48) They close the episode by challenging listeners to find a way to make Holy Week truly experiential and meaningful for their whole family. 

This episode of Beyond Sunday is sponsored by OSV Catholic Bookstore, publisher of An Adoration Treasury for Young Catholics. Help your little ones spend meaningful time before Jesus in the Eucharist with this book featuring a multitude of prayers, hymns, meditations, and ways to pray before the Eucharist, accompanied by beautiful illustrations. Use code “52SUN” for 20% off your purchase of this Eucharistic resource.