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Easter People on Mission

Acts of the Apostles Scripture Challenge

Challenge Introduction

Easter is the season for joyful missionary disciples. It begins with the celebration of the Lord’s resurrection from the dead and culminates in his Ascension to the Father and sending of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. The readings from Acts of the Apostles give us a window into the early Church and help us to see how a small group of disciples in Jerusalem transformed into an empire-wide movement of people who committed their lives to Christ.

What started in Jerusalem over 2000 years ago, continues with us today. After his resurrection, Jesus presented himself alive to his first followers, and he is still alive today! The same Spirit that propelled the mission of the early Church continues to move us to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Acts gives us the blueprint for how to do it.

Join us for a seven-week journey through Acts of the Apostles to walk with the first disciples and be inspired by what the Holy Spirit did through them to build the infant Church. Beginning on Easter Sunday, you will receive a weekly email with a reading guide, a brief commentary, and reflection questions to help you apply these readings to your life. Consider forming a small group to study and reflect on Acts of the Apostles with some friends! To sign up, fill out the form below.

We are an Easter people on mission. The heart of the mission is Christ, the source of the mission is his Resurrection, and the power of the mission is the Holy Spirit he imparts to us. This Easter season let the power of Sacred Scripture help you to reclaim your baptismal identity and inspire you to make Christ known to others with the boldness and the zeal of the apostles.