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Day 30

33-Day Consecration to St. Joseph

Patron of Immigrants

The Holy Family of Nazareth was an immigrant family. To avoid King Herod’s persecution, Joseph took Jesus and Mary to live in exile in Egypt, fleeing persecution and violence. He experienced the sadness of being away from home and faced the difficulties and hardships of living in a foreign land, facing poverty, having to learn another language, and being treated as an outsider, an undesirable, even a criminal. But in the face of all these difficulties, Joseph kept his peace and integrity. He obeyed God who gave him the strength to face the challenges, hardships, and difficulties that came while he was seeking safety and a better future for the Holy Family.

There are literally millions of Josephs in our time. There are Central American migrants leaving behind spouses and children to find opportunities in the north; Syrian and Lebanese families taking dangerous voyages to Europe only to be confined in crowded camps; persecuted families in Eritrea and the Horn of Africa fleeing to neighboring Ethiopia to find nothing but drought.

St. Joseph stands as an example of resolute trust and a great intercessor for immigrants. He conveys the same message carried to him by an angel: Do not be afraid (Matthew 1:20). Having made such a perilous journey himself, St. Joseph shows us that God will walk with each of us too, wherever our journey takes us. [xxi]

St. Joseph, Patron of Immigrants, intercede for all those who are migrants and refugees who are seeking asylum from oppression, poverty, persecution, violence, and war. Protect them and keep them safe. Help us to defend those who are marginalized, to give aid to those in need, to come to the defense of those who are poor or vulnerable. Pray the Litany of St. Joseph.

Daily Challenge

What lengths might I go to, to protect my family and seek a better life for them? Thank God for the ways he has provided for you to care for your family and ask Him to provide a way for all fathers seeking safety and peace for their families.

Litany of St. Joseph

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Noble Offspring of David, pray for us.
Light of Patriarchs, pray for us.
Spouse of the Mother of God, pray for us.
Chaste Guardian of the Virgin, pray for us.
Foster-Father of the Son of God, pray for us.
Zealous Defender of Christ, pray for us.
Head of the Holy Family, pray for us.
Joseph Most Just, pray for us.
Joseph Most Chaste, pray for us.
Joseph Most Prudent, pray for us.
Joseph Most Courageous, pray for us.
Joseph Most Obedient, pray for us.
Joseph Most Faithful, pray for us.
Mirror of Patience, pray for us.
Lover of Poverty, pray for us.
Model of Workmen, pray for us.
Glory of Domestic Life, pray for us.
Guardian of Virgins, pray for us.
Pillar of Families, pray for us.
Comfort of the Afflicted, pray for us.
Hope of the Sick, pray for us.
Patron of the Dying, pray for us.
Terror of Demons, pray for us.
Protector of the Holy Church, pray for us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.
He has made him lord of his household,
And prince over all his possessions.

Let us pray. O God, who, in your loving providence, chose Blessed Joseph to be the spouse of your most Holy Mother, grant us the favor of having him for our intercessor in heaven whom on earth we venerate as our protector. You, who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

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