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Spring break season is fast upon us! If you have spring break plans, chances are you’re already dreamin’ of those sunny skies, perfect beach days and, finally, that chance to sit back, relax and say ‘ahhhh’.

But for those who don’t have a trip on the books, you may be feeling a serious sense of #FoMO—Fear of Missing Out. Your week might seem dreary, boring and uneventful, but it doesn’t have to be! Instead, offer up your spring break as an intentional time to grow in faith and prayer.

The extra time off from school and activities offers a great opportunity to do things you usually don’t have time for, such as extra prayer, volunteering or connecting with friends. And for those who do have plans, your spring break trip can be a powerful chance to spark conversations with your family, friends and vacation buddies about faith.

So, no matter whether you’ll be at the beach or your house this spring break, know and trust that God can and does use anything and everything we give him. Read below to find five practical tips for how you can spiritualize your spring break.

1. Go to daily Mass and adoration as much as you can

When was the last time you were able to attend daily Mass? Without 8 a.m. lectures, afternoon pickups, or your regular after-school activities, spring break might be the perfect time to catch up on going to daily Mass. Try to go to Mass all five weekdays if you can! Bring the family, and maybe even spend time in silent prayer or adoration before or after Mass.

If you do have vacation plans, it might be a little harder to make it to daily Mass by yourself. Invite a friend or family member who maybe hasn’t been to Mass for a while to attend with you. Be bold—you never know the power of one invitation! If you’re traveling and aren’t sure where to attend Mass, use Massfinder.org to find a parish near you.

2. Spend a week of intentional service

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says, “Whatever you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for me.” Volunteering and serving others is a powerful way to grow in Christian charity. Skip the Netflix marathon you had planned for your week off and instead, offer the time in service for others. It might be hard, but it will be worth it! There are many ways you can volunteer your time, whether through official organizations, such as Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan or the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, through your local parish, or simply by saying some extra prayers for those in need.

And don’t just donate your time—donate your treasures! Maybe you’ve got a bunch of clothes, toys or books you’ve been meaning to go through. Donate your clothes and other household items to those in need to organizations such as Goodwill, the Salvation Army or Catholic Charities. As you clean and sort, pray the rosary or other prayers over your items for the person who may receive them.

3. Call or visit someone who may need it.

Mother Teresa once said that the greatest poverty is not physical poverty but the poverty of loneliness. Spend your extra time off making a visit or talking on the phone to someone who might need a visitor. Spend time at a nursing home or make time for the stranger you meet at the grocery store or the coffee shop who makes small talk with you—chances are, they need a friend to talk to!

Spring break is also a great time to visit or call your grandparents or any other elderly relative, neighbor or friend who may need a visit. Cook dinner or dessert and dedicate two or three hours to being present with them. They may never tell you this out loud, but you will definitely make their entire week!

 Don’t forget to pray for all those who are lonely. Offer up a Mass, a rosary or an Our Father for all those who feel unloved and unwanted.

4. Make time for silence

It is in the silence that God speaks. Try to find some time for silence over spring break. Light some candles, sit in a closet or small room, close your eyes and breathe in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Pay a visit to the adoration chapel and sit in silence with Jesus in the Eucharist for 10, 20 or even 60 minutes.

If you can, make a silent retreat in your home, apartment or even hotel room! Spend a couple of hours, or even a couple of days, in intentional silence. Turn off your phone and take out your headphones. Do some spiritual reading, such as reading about the lives of the saints or books on prayer, and pay attention to how God is speaking to you in the silence.

And if time allows, consider going to a monastery or convent for a silent retreat. Check out this article for retreat destinations you can visit. 

5. Contemplate God in creation

Whether you’re on the beach, hiking in the mountains, or looking out your bedroom window, God is wonderfully present in the glory of his creation. If you’re on vacation, steal away for a few minutes to reflect on the beauty of the earth around you. Meditate on the Psalms or read some poems to inspire your prayer.

If you’re at home for break, go on a walk, visit a local park, or sit outside (weather permitting) and thank God for the chance to glory in his creation. Remember, he created the beauty of the world for you, and rest in that knowledge of love and peace. No matter where you are, there is always something to thank him for!