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Why you should share your faith at work

October 4, 2023

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The majority of adults spend more time at work than on any other activity – except perhaps sleeping. Being a disciple is not something you can put on pause when you start your workday. It’s time for us to think seriously about unleashing the Gospel in the workplace. If we’re truly called to be “on mission,” then the workplace is “mission territory.” Take some time to pray about how you can most effectively share your faith where you work. You have Good News. Why not share it with your coworkers as well?

This video it brought to by UTG at Work.


Why should I live my faith at work? Isn’t being a disciple outside of work good enough?

The majority of adults spend more time at work than on any other activity except perhaps sleeping, but we often don’t bring our full selves to work. For those of us who are Christian, we often hide an important part of who we are: our faith. Kind of like putting our light under a bushel basket eh? That isn’t what Jesus asked of us. He told us to go and make disciples with no exceptions or clauses. All of us are called to live our faith and even evangelize others in everything we do, including when we’re at work. But for many of us sharing our faith in the workplace can be scary.

We may fear backlash, company policies, or legal ramifications. And while it’s true that these things have to be considered, it doesn’t mean that we give up and check our faith at the door when we come to work. When we don’t talk about our faith at work we often get the sense that we’re alone, that we’re the only Christians in the room. We can feel like we’re on an island somewhere, all by ourselves. But over 60 percent of Americans identify as Christian. So if you’re in a meeting of 20 people chances are that 12 or so are brother and sister Christians.

It’s time for us to think seriously about unleashing the Gospel in the workplace. If we’re truly called to be on mission, then the workplace is mission territory. The question is not, “Should we live and share our faith at work?” No, the question is, “How can we best live and share our faith at work?” Take some time to pray about how you can most effectively share your faith where you work. You have good news. Why not share it with your co-workers as well?

This video was posted in Videos.