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“It is Mary’s prerogative to be the Morning Star, which heralds in the sun. She does not shine for herself, or from herself, but she is the reflection of her and our Redeemer, and she glorifies him. When she appears in the darkness, we know that he is close at hand. He is Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Behold he comes quickly, and his reward is with him, to render everyone according to his works.” -St. John Henry Newman

The faithful of the Archdiocese of Detroit are living a new Pentecost, praying together as the disciples did in the Upper Room for the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide our missionary conversion. Like the disciples, we are accompanied in prayer by Our Blessed Mother, the first missionary disciple of Jesus and our model of trust, surrender, discipleship and evangelization. Through her constant intercession, Mary joins her prayers with ours and inspires us with a sure confidence that the Lord hears and will not fail to answer. 

As we follow God’s call for us to share Christ throughout Southeast Michigan, we can look to Mary as our example and guide. Through her resounding fiat — her “yes” — to God’s plan for her, Mary shows us how to respond to and embrace God’s plan for us. She is also our model of evangelization, being the first person to proclaim the good news of Christ when she went “in haste” to share his coming with her cousin Elizabeth. (Lk 1:35-40) She has continued through the ages to guide the Church’s mission through her powerful intercession, just as she prayed for and with the disciples in the Upper Room.

We dedicate this issue of Unleash the Gospel to Our Lady in loving gratitude for her intercession and care for us, her children. Let us ask for her continued prayers and always seek to follow her example of surrendering to God’s will and sharing Christ with the world. Let us call upon Our Mother’s intercession that the Lord may bring about an unprecedented harvest in the Archdiocese of Detroit

Holy Mary, Morning Star, be always close to us, guiding us and showing us the way to your Son, Jesus Christ.