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Pope Francis on the Exaltation of the Cross | HOMILY

April 12, 2021

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In a homily from the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Pope Francis reflects on the love of Christ in the mystery of the Cross.


Today’s first reading speaks to us of the people’s journey through the desert. This reminds us of the Church as she makes her way across the desert of the contemporary world. At a certain point, the people became impatient on the way. They’re tired. Water supplies are low, and all they have for food is manna, which, although plentiful and sent by God, seems far too meager in a time of crisis. And so they complained in protest against God. During such moments of disorientation, the poisonous serpents come and bite the people, and many die. What is the meaning of this symbol? God does not destroy the serpent, but rather offers an antidote, by means of the bronze serpent fashioned by Moses. God transmits his healing strength, his mercy, which is more potent than the tempter’s poison. As we have heard in the Gospel, Jesus identifies himself with this symbol. Out of love, the Father has given his only begotten Son so that men and women might have eternal life. The path is not always a smooth one free of disagreements, otherwise it would not be human. It is a demanding journey, at times difficult and at times turbulent, but such is life. This is a symbol of life, real life. A love which finds its proof and guarantee in the cross.

This video was posted in Homily.