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Pope Benedict XVI on the Solemnity of All Saints | HOMILY

April 12, 2021

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Share in the heavenly jubilation of the saints with this homily on the Solemnity of All Saints from Benedict XVI.


Today we are invited to share in the heavenly jubilation of the saints. With eyes of faith, we see them shine in God’s firmament like glorious stars. This, then, is the meaning of today’s solemnity: looking at the shining example of the saints to reawaken within us the great longing to be like them. Being a saint means living close to God, and this is the vocation of us all. But how can we become holy? To be a saint requires neither extraordinary actions, nor works, nor the possession of exceptional charisms. It is necessary, first of all, to listen to Jesus, and then to follow him without losing heart when faced by difficulties. The saints’ biographies describe men and women who, docile to the divine plan, sometimes faced unspeakable trials and suffering, persecution, and martyrdom. Holiness demands a constant effort, but it is possible for everyone, because rather than a human effort, it is first and foremost a gift of God. The example of the saints encourages us to follow in their same footsteps, and to experience the joy of those who trust in God.

This video was posted in Homily.