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As cold weather approaches, COVID restrictions increase and feelings of isolation grow, it is so necessary to remember that we are not alone–we are part of the body of Christ. Even while physically separated,the fact that we are brothers and sisters in Christ allows us to remain united by lifting each other up in prayer and sharing the many unique gifts and charisms that God has given us to guide us through this difficult time. Some of these gifts and charisms could be used to lead small groups. Normally small groups would meet at someone’s home or the local parish. During these unprecedented times, small groups can still gather remotely to stay connected to one another. 

Our new liturgical year has just begun in Advent. In this new year, we are inviting people to start small groups to read the Gospel, pray together and grow as Jesus’ disciples. So many of us cannot be fed by the Eucharist at this moment, this is an opportunity to recognize that we can also be nourished by God’s word. Small groups are meant to be a place where people of different backgrounds can come together in a non-threatening environment, build trust with one another and build personal relationships. 

Is God calling you to start one of these small groups in your community? We invite you to pray about how God wants to use you during this pandemic to draw our brothers and sisters in faith to closer communion with one another and with God. In a time when we need interaction now more than ever, learn how to begin a small group in your community.

May we all continue to lift each other up in prayer and use the many gifts and charisms we have been entrusted to use for the good of others around us.

Unleash the Gospel and build community. 

Lead or join a small group in 2021.