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A Spirit of Cooperation | Good Habits of a Disciple

October 9, 2020

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Have you let your pride get in the way of collaborating with others, or being open to receiving and giving help? The whole Archdiocese has embarked on the new evangelization together, and any victory for one is a victory for all. We are called to a spirit of generous cooperation and sharing of resources. Sharing the Gospel requires unity and teamwork.


There can be no competition in the Body of Christ, because we have one Lord and one united purpose. The whole Archdiocese has embarked on the New Evangelization together, and any victory for one is a victory for all. As Christ’s apostles had to put aside rivalry and learn to work as a team, we are called to a spirit of generous cooperation and sharing of resources. Sharing the Gospel in our communities requires unity and teamwork. Have you let your pride get in the way of collaborating with others, or being open to giving and receiving help?