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Good Habits: A Spirit of Innovation

September 18, 2020

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In order to share the Gospel, we need to be innovative, flexible, adaptable, unafraid to make mistakes, and willing to learn from the good ideas of others. How can you learn from the ideas and creativity of others?


The rapidly changing cultural situation in which we find ourselves requires that we think in new and creative ways. We need to be willing to jettison some old structures that no longer work and experiment with new ones. As St. Paul tried different missionary strategies in different settings, we also need to be innovative, flexible, adaptable, unafraid to make mistakes, and willing to learn from the good ideas of others. We are called to share the Gospel with the people of our time. As missionaries, we must be inspired, and learn from St. Paul and the early disciples how to present the Gospel to our contemporaries in an attractive and effective way. How can you share the life-changing message of the Gospel with the tools and means around you and learn from the ideas and creativity of others?

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