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During the suspension of public Masses during the coronavirus epidemic, we are blessed to have technology that allows us to follow along via live stream online or on social media. 

Trying to participate in Mass from home can be challenging as we adjust to a different environment. Here are some ideas to help you focus reverently on the live streamed Mass.

  • Find a Mass online or on TV. You can find an updated list as well as the stream to watch Mass with Archbishop Vigneron at the Cathedral at 12pm at aod.org/livemasses 
  • Set-up a different way to watch and participate in Mass. Ideas include: 
    • Rearrange the furniture. 
    • Set chairs up in front of the screen in a row.  
    • Use pillows as kneelers.
  • Create a sacred space as you watch Mass. Ideas include: 
    • Light a candle and keep it near while you watch Mass. 
    • Clear any distracting items away that are in the area you are sitting. 
    • Decorate the area with religious items for the season of Lent: pictures, statues, a purple cloth. 
    • Prepare for Mass before you start watching. 
    • Dress up to show that this is a special time, even if we are at home.  
    • Play a praise and worship song or the Spiritual Closeness playlist before Mass begins. 
    • Share the live stream on social media and invite others to participate.
  • Fully participate while you watch the Mass. 
    • Sing along with the songs and say the prayers. 
    • Stand, kneel, and sit as appropriate. 
    • Plan to give online to your parish and pray for your parish and its needs during the offertory.  
    • Pray and talk about a Spiritual Communion.
  • Follow-up 
    • Take time to talk about the discussion questions in 52 Sundays
    • Talk about what we look forward to when we can gather with others at Mass again.
  • Other ideas: 
    • FaceTime with a relative or friend to watch Mass together so that you can connect with others.