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Ascension of Our Lord Homily from St. Josemaria Escriva

September 7, 2019

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St. Josemaría Escrivá, canonized by Pope John Paul II, is known for his example and teachings on the value of work and daily life as the path to holiness in the middle of the world. In this homily, he reflects on the Ascension of Our Lord.


Many things have happened since our Lord was born in Bethlehem. We have thought of him in the manger, worshipped by the shepherds and the magi. We have contemplated those long years of unpretentious work in Nazareth. We have gone with him all through the land of Palestine as he preached the Kingdom of God to men and went about doing good to all. And, later on, during the days of his Passion, we have suffered on seeing him accused and ill-treated and crucified. Then sorrow gave way to the joy and light of the Resurrection. What a clear and firm foundation for our faith! But perhaps, like the apostles in those days, we are still weak, and on the day of the Ascension, we ask Christ, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom of Israel?” Our Lord answers by going up to heaven. Like the apostles, we remain partly perplexed and partly saddened at his departure. It is not easy, in fact, to get accustomed to the physical absence of Jesus. He has gone up to heaven and at the same time, he gives himself to us as our nourishment in the Sacred Host. It has always seemed logical to me that the most holy humanity of Christ should ascend to the glory of the Father. He is God made man, perfect man, with flesh like ours, with blood like ours in his veins. Yet he leaves us and goes up to heaven. How can we help but miss his presence?

This video was posted in Homily.