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Divine Mercy Sunday Homily from St. John Paul II

July 7, 2019

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In this Divine Mercy homily from St. John Paul II, he reflects on this miracle of mercy which is necessary for our salvation, emphasizing that the secret of true and lasting happiness lies in abandoning ourselves trustfully to our Savior.


To each person, whatever his condition, the Risen One repeats: Fear not! I died on the cross, but now I am alive forevermore. I am the first and the last and the Living One. In order to understand thoroughly the truth of these words, let us be led by the liturgy to the heart of the event of salvation, which unites Christ’s death and resurrection with our lives and with the world’s history. This miracle of mercy has radically changed humanity’s destiny. It is a miracle in which is unfolded the fullness of the love of the Father. Let us thank the Lord for his love, which is stronger than death and sin. Today, the Lord also shows us his glorious wounds and his heart, an inexhaustible source of light and truth, of love and forgiveness. His Sacred Heart has given men everything: redemption, salvation, sanctification. Through the mystery of this wounded heart, the restorative tide of God’s merciful love continues to spread over the men and women of our time. Here alone can those who long for true and lasting happiness find its secret. Jesus, I trust in you. This prayer, dear to so many of the devout, clearly expresses the attitude with which we, too, would like to abandon ourselves trustfully in your hands, O Lord, our only Savior. Mary, Mother of Mercy, help us always to have this trust in your Son, our Redeemer. Help us, too, St. Faustina, who we remember today with special affection. Fixing our weak gaze on the Divine Savior’s face, we would like to repeat with you: Jesus, I trust in you.

This video was posted in Homily.